イラストレーター / アーティスト
Illustrator / Artist
Photo by 植村 忠透
1983年生まれ。2004年 東洋美術学校グラフィックデザイン科を卒業後、アパレル会社に勤務。
東京コレクション MULTIPLE MARMELADE 2005 S/S で発表された、アパレルブランドのショービジュアルに携わる。
Haruka Toshimitsu was born in Japan. After graduating from technical college, worked for an apparel company. Started her career as an artist while working at an apparel company. Involved in the show visuals for apparel brands presented at Tokyo Collection “MULTIPLE MARMELADE 2005 Spring / Summer”. Taking this as an opportunity she retired from the apparel company and became independent as an illustrator. She has many major corporate clients in Japan such as fine arts / commercial facility installations / video production (Music Video) / magazine illustrations / book covers / package design / brochures / fabric textiles / web page design and so on. She loves watercolor and uses it. She expresses the gap between fantasy and reality. She colorfully expresses adorable girls / animals / botanical arts and cuts out fragments of the story as fine art. On the other hand, her great sense of balance is good at optimizing art and commerce. Her main target, a well-educated and high-disposable income female. She is constantly exploring and providing the visuals they seek. In December 2017, the first visual story book “Ribbon” was published. Since then, she has been active as an art director who creates her own world view such as stage, costumes, props, etc., not limited to her illustrations. Awards: Selected for the 1st "10 CARDS FOR MILANO SALONE"-"Nantoka no Mori" Japan The 133rd "THE CHOICE Kazunari Hattori Judgment"-"Missing Season" Semi-Selected Japan Selected for the 3rd "TIS (Tokyo Illustrators Society) Open Call"-"Laughing Cat, Crying Dog" Japan Selected Clients: Toyota, Sony, Shiseido, Benesse, Wacoal, Lawson Entertainment, Isetan Mitsukoshi, Sazaby League, Watabe Wedding, Magazine House etc.