Personal project: Irregular updates
Sometimes I’m happy to meet nice clothes. I get energized by the clothes power from great designers and skilled craftsman. What should I do with this feeling? Where should I store it? Let’s leave it in the picture like taking a picture! And I dressed a girl and drew a movie scene.
今回の洋服は「STEVEN ALAN」、「オリーブ色のコート」 「久しぶりに田舎に帰ると 彼女が何か言いたげ。 10月の誕生日に贈った スティーブンアランのコート。 とてもよく似合っている。 ぼくは嬉しい。 彼女は、少しさみしかったのかな。」
This time are "STEVEN ALAN" and "olive coat". I went back to the country to see her for the first time in a long time. Steve Alan's coat! I gifted it to her birth on this October. It's looks great. I'm happy. But she was a little lonely because she couldn't see me.